In 1939, as the world stood on the brink of war, two young Swiss adventurers, Max Reymond and André Roch, embarked on a remarkable journey that would forever etch their names in the annals of automotive exploration.

With a Ford Model A and a thirst for the unknown, they set out from Switzerland to Afghanistan, a distance of over 10,000 kilometers. Their ambitious goal was to traverse some of the most rugged and unforgiving terrain on Earth.


For months, Max and André meticulously prepared for their arduous journey. They equipped their Ford Model A with essential supplies, including spare parts, tools, and a generous amount of food and water.

They also studied maps, consulted with experts, and sought advice from seasoned travelers. They were determined to be as prepared as possible for the challenges that lay ahead.

The Journey

On a crisp spring morning, Max and André set off from Zurich, their Ford Model A humming along the open road. Their route took them through the picturesque landscapes of Europe, the Balkans, and the Middle East.

As they ventured deeper into uncharted territories, they encountered a myriad of obstacles. Narrow mountain passes, treacherous deserts, and unforgiving weather conditions tested their limits.

Yet, they persevered, their determination fueled by an unwavering sense of adventure. With every mile they traveled, they gained newfound respect for the resilience of their vehicle and the camaraderie that bound them together.


The journey was not without its challenges. The Ford Model A, though renowned for its durability, was taxed to its limits by the unrelenting terrain.

Flat tires, mechanical breakdowns, and fuel shortages became commonplace. Max and André had to rely on their ingenuity and resourcefulness to overcome these obstacles.

They encountered political unrest and language barriers. They were often met with curiosity and skepticism, but they also experienced the warmth and hospitality of locals along the way.


Despite the hardships they faced, Max and André's journey was filled with incredible discoveries.

They witnessed firsthand the diverse cultures and traditions of the regions they passed through. They marveled at ancient ruins, explored hidden valleys, and climbed majestic peaks.

They learned about the history, geography, and people of each country they visited. Their journey became a profound educational experience that broadened their perspectives and deepened their understanding of the world.

Unforgettable Encounters

Along their path, Max and André forged unforgettable connections with the people they encountered.

They met shepherds in the Balkans who shared their knowledge of the mountains. They befriended traders in the Middle East who introduced them to local customs.

In Afghanistan, they were welcomed by nomadic tribes who offered them shelter and protection. These human interactions enriched their journey and left lasting impressions on their hearts.

After months of adventure, Max and André finally reached their destination in Kabul, Afghanistan. They had successfully completed their extraordinary journey from Switzerland to Afghanistan in a Ford Model A.

Their accomplishment was a testament to their courage, perseverance, and passion for exploration. They had not only conquered the physical challenges of the journey but had also gained invaluable cultural insights and forged lifelong memories.

The story of Max and André Reymond's journey from Switzerland to Afghanistan in 1939 remains an inspiring tale of human ingenuity and adventure. It serves as a reminder that with determination and a spirit of discovery, anything is possible.