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Learn To Draw Realistic Animals With Pen Marker: From An Armadillo To A Zebra 26 Animals To Discover Draw

Jese Leos
·5.2k Followers· Follow
Published in D L Miller
8 min read ·
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The animal kingdom is a vast and diverse array of species, each with its own unique characteristics and fascinating features. From the tiny armadillo to the mighty zebra, there is a seemingly endless number of animals to discover and admire. In this comprehensive guide, we will embark on a journey to explore 26 animals from around the globe, providing detailed descriptions, captivating stories, and step-by-step drawing instructions to help you capture the essence of these amazing creatures on paper.

Animals A-C

  1. Armadillo: A small, nocturnal mammal with a hard, protective shell covering its body. Known for its ability to roll up into a ball when threatened.

  2. Binturong: A rare and elusive rainforest mammal with long, black fur and a distinctive, cat-like face. Often called the "bearcat" due to its appearance and agility.

    Learn to Draw Realistic Animals with Pen Marker: From an Armadillo to a Zebra 26 Animals to Discover Draw
    Learn to Draw Realistic Animals with Pen & Marker: From an Armadillo to a Zebra 26 Animals to Discover & Draw!
    by D. L. Miller

    4.6 out of 5

    Language : English
    File size : 89536 KB
    Text-to-Speech : Enabled
    Screen Reader : Supported
    Enhanced typesetting : Enabled
    X-Ray : Enabled
    Print length : 305 pages
  3. Capybara: The largest rodent in the world, native to South America. Weighing up to 150 pounds, capybaras are semi-aquatic animals that spend much of their time in or near water.

Animals D-F

  1. Dingo: A wild dog native to Australia. Dingos are social animals that live in packs and play an important role in their ecosystem.

  2. Echidna: A small, egg-laying mammal found in Australia. Echidnas have a spiky exterior and a long, needle-like snout that they use to feed on insects.

  3. Falcon: A bird of prey characterized by its sharp beak, powerful talons, and incredible speed and agility. Falcons are skilled hunters that prey on small mammals, birds, and insects.

Animals G-I

  1. Giraffe: The tallest land animal in the world, known for its long neck, spotted coat, and gentle nature. Giraffes are herbivores that feed primarily on leaves from acacia trees.

  2. Hedgehog: A small, spiny mammal that curls up into a ball when threatened. Hedgehogs are nocturnal animals that feed on insects, worms, and other small creatures.

  3. Ibis: A large, wading bird with long legs, a long, curved beak, and distinctive plumage. Ibises are social birds that live in flocks and feed on insects, frogs, fish, and other aquatic creatures.

Animals J-L

  1. Jaguar: A large, spotted cat found in the rainforests of Central and South America. Jaguars are solitary animals that are skilled hunters and excellent swimmers.

  2. Koala: A small, arboreal marsupial native to Australia. Koalas are known for their soft, gray fur and their voracious appetite for eucalyptus leaves.

  3. Liger: A hybrid animal resulting from the mating of a male lion and a female tiger. Ligers are the largest cats in the world and can grow up to 13 feet in length.

Animals M-O

  1. Manatee: A large, slow-moving marine mammal found in warm coastal waters around the world. Manatees are herbivores that feed on sea grasses and other aquatic plants.

  2. Narwhal: A medium-sized whale characterized by its long, spiraled tusk, which is actually a modified tooth. Narwhals are highly social animals that live in pods and feed on fish, squid, and crustaceans.

  3. Orangutan: A large, arboreal ape native to the rainforests of Southeast Asia. Orangutans are known for their long, reddish-brown fur and their intelligence.

Animals P-R

  1. Panther: A general term used to describe large, black cats such as leopards, jaguars, and cougars. Panthers are solitary animals that are skilled hunters and have excellent night vision.

  2. Quokka: A small, marsupial native to Australia. Quokkas are known for their distinctive smile-like expression and their social nature.

  3. Rhinoceros: A large, herbivorous mammal characterized by its thick, armored skin and distinctive horn. Rhinoceroses are critically endangered due to poaching and habitat loss.

Animals S-U

  1. Salamander: A small, amphibian found in moist environments around the world. Salamanders have smooth, moist skin and can breathe through both their skin and their lungs.

  2. Turtle: A reptile characterized by its hard, protective shell. Turtles are found in a wide variety of habitats, including oceans, lakes, rivers, and swamps.

  3. Uakari: A rare and endangered monkey found in the rainforests of the Amazon Basin. Uakaris are known for their distinctive bald heads and reddish-orange fur.

Animals V-Z

  1. Viper: A venomous snake characterized by its triangular head and heat-sensing pits. Vipers are found in a variety of habitats around the world and can vary greatly in size and coloration.

  2. Whale: The largest animals on Earth, found in all oceans. Whales are highly social animals that communicate through complex vocalizations and live in pods.

  3. X-ray tetra: A small, silvery fish found in the Amazon River basin. X-ray tetras are known for their transparent bodies, which allow their internal organs to be visible.

  4. Yak: A large, shaggy-haired mammal found in the high mountains of Central Asia. Yaks are domesticated by local people and used for their milk, meat, and wool.

  5. Zebra: A striped, herbivorous mammal found in Africa. Zebras are social animals that live in herds and use their distinctive stripes for camouflage and communication.

Drawing Instructions

To help you capture the beauty and character of these animals on paper, here are step-by-step drawing instructions for each animal:


  1. Draw a circle for the head and a oval for the body.
  2. Add legs and feet to the body.
  3. Draw a curved line for the back and add spikes along the line.
  4. Add eyes and a nose to the head.
  5. Color in the armadillo as desired.


  1. Draw a large circle for the head and a smaller circle for the body.
  2. Add legs and feet to the body.
  3. Draw a long tail with a bushy tip.
  4. Add eyes, ears, and a nose to the head.
  5. Draw long hair around the head and body.
  6. Color in the binturong as desired.


  1. Draw a large circle for the head and a rectangular body.
  2. Add legs and feet to the body.
  3. Draw a short tail.
  4. Add eyes and a nose to the head.
  5. Color in the capybara as desired.


  1. Draw a circle for the head and a oval for the body.
  2. Add legs and feet to the body.
  3. Draw a long tail.
  4. Add eyes, ears, and a nose to the head.
  5. Color in the dingo as desired.


  1. Draw a circle for the head and a long oval for the body.
  2. Add legs and feet to the body.
  3. Draw a snout and eyes to the head.
  4. Draw spines along the back of the body.
  5. Color in the echidna as desired.


  1. Draw a circle for the head and a oval for the body.
  2. Add wings to the body.
  3. Draw a long tail.
  4. Add eyes, beak, and talons to the head.
  5. Color in the falcon as desired.


  1. Draw a circle for the head and a long neck.
  2. Add a body to the neck.
  3. Add legs and feet to the body.
  4. Add a long tail.
  5. Add eyes, ears, and a nose to the head.
  6. Draw spots on the giraffe's coat.
  7. Color in the giraffe as desired.


  1. Draw a circle for the head and a oval for the body.
  2. Add legs and feet to the body.
  3. Draw a short tail.
  4. Add eyes, ears, and a nose to the head.
  5. Draw spines on the back of the body.
  6. Color in the hedgehog as desired.


  1. Draw a circle for the head and a oval for the body.
  2. Add legs and feet to the body.
  3. Draw a long neck.
  4. Add a long, curved beak to the head.
  5. Add eyes, ears, and a nose to the head.
  6. Draw feathers on the body.
  7. Color in the ibis as desired.


  1. Draw a circle for the head and a oval for the body.
  2. Add legs and feet to the body.
  3. Draw a long tail.
  4. Add eyes, ears, and a nose to the head.
  5. Draw spots on the jaguar's coat.
  6. Color in the jaguar as desired.


  1. Draw a circle for the head and a oval for the body.
  2. Add legs and feet to the body.
  3. Draw a short tail. 4

Learn to Draw Realistic Animals with Pen Marker: From an Armadillo to a Zebra 26 Animals to Discover Draw
Learn to Draw Realistic Animals with Pen & Marker: From an Armadillo to a Zebra 26 Animals to Discover & Draw!
by D. L. Miller

4.6 out of 5

Language : English
File size : 89536 KB
Text-to-Speech : Enabled
Screen Reader : Supported
Enhanced typesetting : Enabled
X-Ray : Enabled
Print length : 305 pages
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Learn to Draw Realistic Animals with Pen Marker: From an Armadillo to a Zebra 26 Animals to Discover Draw
Learn to Draw Realistic Animals with Pen & Marker: From an Armadillo to a Zebra 26 Animals to Discover & Draw!
by D. L. Miller

4.6 out of 5

Language : English
File size : 89536 KB
Text-to-Speech : Enabled
Screen Reader : Supported
Enhanced typesetting : Enabled
X-Ray : Enabled
Print length : 305 pages
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